Responsible for data processing and data protection
The owner of this domain and administrator for the website is Rosanna Casalnuovo, you can contact her for all questions about privacy at this email:

OFFICE: vico Colombo, 16
75021 Colobraro (MT) - Italy
spazioformadesign (AT) gmail (DOT) com

This website doesn' t keep personal data of users unless they interact with contact form or mail.
If someone have done so can either withdraw directly or ask the owner of the site.

What are cookies
A Cookie is a small data file that websites save on your computer or mobile device in web browser when you visit them.

Technical and statistic Cookies
The technical Cookies are strictly necessary to provide the website functionality and can be divided into:
- session Cookie, used to save preference and optimize Users navigation;
- analysis Cookie, used anonymously to collect and analyze the website traffic and usage data;
- functional Cookie, also of third parties, used to active specific features required on the site.
These Cookies don't require consent of the User.

Other Cookies or third parties services which could use them
Some services listed below could not require consent of the User.
Some of these services are managed by third parties and could track the User.
For information it is recommended to view the privacy policy of the services listed.

Statistic service consents to monitor and analyze web traffic and to track User actions on sites.

- Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a service of web analysis offered by Google Inc. (for EEA and Switzerland is Google Ireland Limited) to track and to report website traffic.
In the property of GA related to this site has been set "not expire automatically for the maintenance of data storage" so to verify there aren't penal motivations (as professional damages or attempted fraud)  according to italian and international laws, which in any case have been anonymized and aggregated solely for statistical purposes.​​​​​​​
Personal data collected: Cookie and usage data.
Place of service: USA or EU – Privacy PolicyPrivacy Shield Framework

Interaction with social network and visualization of contents from external platforms
These services consent to interact with social network, or with other external platforms, directly from website pages.
The interactions and the informations are subject to privacy policy of User related each social network or external platform, however it's possible, also in the case the Users don't use the service, that it collects traffic data related the pages in which it's installed 
and however  it’s always valid to verify there aren’t penal motivation (as professional damage or attempted fraud) in according to italian and intenational laws.

- Behance and Adobe Portfolio
Behance and Adobe Portfolio are services to create and visualization portfolios offered by Adobe Inc. (for EEA and Switzerland is Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited)
Personal data collected: Cookie and usage data.
Place of service: USA or EU – Privacy PolicyPrivacy Shield Framework

- Vimeo
Vimeo is a service to visualize video content offered by Vimeo LLC
Personal data collected: Cookie and usage data.
Place of service : USA – Privacy PolicyPrivacy Shield Framework
- Twitter
Twitter is a social
platform to share tweets offered by Twitter
Personal data collected: Cookie and usage data.
Place of service : USA or EU – Privacy Policy
- Facebook
Facebook is a social
platform to share post offered by Facebook
Personal data collected: Cookie and usage data.
Place of service : USA or EU – Privacy PolicyPrivacy Shield Framework
- Pinterest
Pinterest is a social
platform to share images offered by Pinterest Europe Ltd
Personal data collected: Cookie and usage data.
Place of service : USA or EU – Privacy Policy
- Youtube
Youtube is a service to visualize video content offered by Google
Personal data collected: Cookie and usage data.
Place of service : USA | EU – Privacy PolicyPrivacy Shield Framework

Contact form and mail
The data of who sends messages, are stored on encrypted disk for the time necessary to purpose of communications, contracts and fiscal acts. At the request of the person who sent the message, I can delete all the data concerning the user name, email address, URL of the site and body of the message if there aren't penal motivations (as professional damages or attempted fraud) according to italian and international laws or there aren't contracts and fiscal acts outstanding.

How can I check the installation of Cookie?
The User can manage the preferences related Cookies directly in his browser and prevent, for example, the installation of third parties. Through the preferences of broweser it's possible also remove the old Cookies installed, included the Cookies of this site. It's important to note that if you disable all Cookies, the functionality of this site can be compromised. You can find information how to manage the Cookies in your browser here: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge.
In the case of services offered by third parties, the User can exercise his right to oppose tracking viewing privacy policy of third parties, through the link of opt out if it is provided, or contacting them.
The User can also use Your Online Choices. Through this service it's possible manage the tracking preferences most of the advertising tools.

Legal references
Notice for Users: this privacy policy is redacted to accomplish obligations of EU rule 2016/679 also known as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing and free movement of personal data, however also for Europe there is EU–US Privacy Shield for regulating transatlantic exchanges of personal data.

Last modification: 01 september 2022
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